
Serving Westford

Westford Remembers Memorial Fund started out as a fund to help preserve and revitalize Westford’s many memorials.

Since COVID-19, we have expanded our reach to help our community members that have come upon hard times and need additional assistance.

A Passion for our Community

We are Westford residents coming together to rally the efforts of our town to assist our neighbors and preserve our historical people and events.

Our Events

Veterans on the Common

Prior to Memorial Day and Veterans Day we’ve placed photo signs around the Town Common honoring our veterans. Honor your veteran family member, veteran friends or just donate to the cause and we will find a veteran you can sponsor. We are asking for $100 for each new sign.

Signs previously purchased, will be placed on the Common as well. The link to the sign order form can be found here or click on the sign photo on this page.

You can also honor your veterans by purchasing a tee-shirt for $30. Sizes from Small to 3XL are available.

International Block Party

Westford Remembers will be hosting our 2nd annual International Block Party to recognize the culturally diverse community we are. We are inviting anyone who would like to display their heritage, their cultural pride and even entertain attendees. The public is invited to attend for FREE to enjoy and learn about our diverse community.

For those that would like to setup a table to share cultural traditions, serve ethnic culinary specialties, or entertain attendees and be a part of this event complete this online REGISTRATION form (<- Click on the link) or send an email

The International Block Party will be held on Sunday October 22, 2023 from Noon to 4 PM at The Middlesex County 4H Fairgrounds in Westford. Please watch for more information on social media.

If you would like to assist our effort and be a SPONSOR, please complete this SPONSOR Form (<- Click on the link).

Cow Patty Palooza

Westford Remembers will be doing the Cow Patty Palooza fundraiser. Purchase a square and see where the cow plops!!

What exactly is a Cow Patty Palooza? It’s a country-style fundraising event that combines guessing where a cow patty will land with raising funds for your favorite charity! Squares will be assigned as they are sold.

$30 per square for a chance to win $1,000

Venmo to @westford-remembers.

Or mail a check to: Westford Remembers, PO Box 869 Westford, MA 01886

“Westford Remembers has come to the aid of our residents time after time. What a great local resource!”